
For those of you who enjoy hunting!

Fishpot Lake Resort is located in "Region 5 Cariboo" and is in the center of Management Unit 5-13 Zone C. The resort has been operating since 1986 and hunters that stayed with us then, still return whenever LEH (Limited Entry Hunting) allows them.

We find that Limited Entry Hunting has ensured consistent game production. Logging in the area has provided new browse for both moose, black bear, mule deer and white-tailed deer. We see more deer in this area than in years past. For deer hunters (white-tail and mule deer species) we find that the best hunting is during the month of September and Early October. With the upcoming winter, towards the end of October, the deer tend to migrate out of this area down to the grassy plains towards Quesnel and William's Lake areas. After this winter migration has occurred, it can be very difficult to hunt deer in our area. The deer herds return in the early spring with the melting of the snow, bringing with them their young.

With the area being so plentiful in lakes, swamps and rivers-Water fowl (ducks and geese) are also in abundance throughout the months of September and October. During the hunting season: you will also notice many different species of grouse which are plentiful in this area and are commonly seen beside the roads or peeking out from behind bushes and trees. Black Bears are also plentiful and are naturally fat and healthy in this area, during the autumn months, as they prepare for their winter slumber. As the resort is located right in the center of the Cariboo you could also potentially see more of these more elusive animals: Wolves, Coyotes, Wolverines, Foxes, Martins, Lynx, Cougars and even Grizzly Bears.

Generally, most of our guests are looking for Limited Entry Bull Moose Hunting and this area will not disappoint you. Limited Entry Moose hunting offers three different timeframes for hunters to choose from: The first LEH hunt starts September 10th and runs through to September 30th. Following the 2017 Plateau Wildfire and the 2018 Blackwater River Fire, the Conservation Office has decided to close "The Rutt", to help protect moose numbers in this area. No hunting tags are issued from October 1st to October 15th. The second LEH hunt runs from October 16th to October 30th and the third or final LEH hunt runs from November 1st to November 15th.
In September hunters could be seeing temperatures of plus 10 to 15 through the daytimes, with some nights dropping down giving you a nice frost to hunt by, in the mornings. In October you are looking at cooler autumn conditions and temperatures in the daytime of plus five and freezing conditions at night. The lake will be starting to freeze and towards mid-October and you could wake up to the occasional snow fall. November hunts are normally done in snow and in winter conditions as this zone is located at a higher altitude. The resort itself is found at 1012 meters or 3339.6 feet above sea level. 

Our Small Convenience store sells hunting licenses and tags, for ONLY animals found in our zone M.U. 5-13. We sell the following: Resident Hunter License, Junior Hunting License, Initiation Hunter License, Black Bear Tags, Moose Tags, White-Tailed Deer Tags, Mule Deer Tags, Lynx Tags, and Cougar Tags.

The Resort itself: has two sets of game poles in which you can use for skinning purposes and a meat shed to hang your game in. While this is at no charge for guests staying at the resort, we do have a small charge if you wish to store you animal here but camp elsewhere. We can also freeze/store your fish and game birds for you. Also, for a small charge we can supply our hunters with a map of the local logging roads to help you find your way around.

Fishpot Lake Resort is also the propane dealer for the area and can fill any propane vehicle or any size propane tank.
Fishpot Lake Resort also has a Licensed Restaurant which is open daily from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Please Note: Zones 5-13 A, B and C are "No Snowmobile or Quad Zones"

Are all Closed Areas to ATV and Snowmobiles for hunting. "The operation of snowmobiles and ATV's (including motorcycles) for the purpose of hunting, to transport wildlife, to transport firearms or equipment and supplies which are intended for or in support of hunting, or to transport a hunter to or from the location of wildlife is prohibited in these areas". *Please refer to your Hunting & Trapping Regulation Synopsis Book for details.

Please Note: That 5-13 C has a motor vehicle closed area as well.

A posted sign is located on the 3900 Road at 63 km that states "Vehicles are not allowed past this point for the purpose of hunting". As this is the start of the Itcha Ilgachuz National Park. *Please refer to your Hunting and Trapping Regulation Synopsis Book for details.

You will not be disappointed with the hunting, our facilities or the service at Fishpot Lake Resort.

Frequently Asked Questions: Our facilities are for Canadian Hunters Only. If you are from another country, you need to contact an Outfitter to be able to Hunt in Canada. Also, if you are of First Nation Background, you need to hold a hunting license and also apply for a Limited Entry Hunt for all zones found in 5-13 A, B and C. You also need to contact the Local Band Governments for Permission/Rules to Hunt in the zones of 5-13 A, B and C. Please Call: The Nazko First Nation Office at 250-249-9610 or The Kluskus First Nation Office at 250-992-3290

Hall of Fame

These are some of our best pictures of hunting over the past years

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